The Delhi Police has reported a concerning incident where an email threat regarding a bomb was received by the Ministry of Home Affairs office situated in Delhi’s North Block.
Responding swiftly, the police dispatched a team comprising a bomb disposal squad and fire tenders to the location to assess the situation and ensure safety.
This alarming occurrence adds to a series of similar hoax bomb threats that have been plaguing various institutions across the national capital. Not limited to Delhi alone, schools in cities like Jaipur, Lucknow, Kanpur, and Ahmedabad have also been targeted by such malicious emails.
#WATCH | A bomb threat mail was received from the Police Control Room at the North Block, New Delhi area. Two fire tenders have been sent to the spot. Further details awaited: Delhi Fire Service
— ANI (@ANI) May 22, 2024
The gravity of the situation became evident when a hoax bomb threat led to the evacuation of students and staff from over 150 schools in Delhi. Promptly, the Delhi Police launched an investigation into the matter. The threat, allegedly originating from a server, claimed the presence of explosives on school premises in Delhi.
Adding on complicating the investigation, it was revealed that the hoax bomb threats are suspected to have originated from Budapest. The Delhi Police announced plans to collaborate with their counterparts in Hungary to delve deeper into the matter.
The email, sent from the address ‘’, had its domain registered in Russia, indicating potential international involvement.
Addressing the challenges posed by such incidents, the Union home ministry emphasized the importance of crafting detailed protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to handle such situations effectively. The home secretary urged closer coordination between the Delhi Police and schools to prevent unnecessary panic stemming from misinformation.
In addition, enhancing security measures, including the installation of CCTV cameras and regular monitoring of emails in schools, was underscored as crucial.
Responding to the escalating threats, the Delhi government issued an advisory to educational institutes, urging them to diligently monitor their official emails. The aim is to promptly identify and respond to any potential threats, ensuring the safety and security of students, staff, and the community at large.
As investigations continue and security measures are bolstered, authorities remain vigilant against such malicious attempts to disrupt peace and instill fear in the community.
ALSO READ: “Four Hospitals In Delhi Receive Bomb Threat Call”
Collaboration between law enforcement agencies, educational institutions, and governmental bodies becomes paramount in thwarting such nefarious activities and maintaining public safety.