On Tuesday, in the district court of Ghaziabad, adjacent to the capital Delhi, there was a heated argument between the advocate and the district judge in a bail case following which there was a lot of uproar. The matter escalated further when the police arrived amid the uproar.
Police had to lathi charge, due to which many lawyers were injured. The Western Uttar Pradesh Advocates Association has demanded action against the policemen who lathicharged. At present, a large number of police forces are present outside the court. It was told that in the court of District Judge Anil Kumar on Tuesday morning, there was an argument between District Judge Anil Kumar and former Bar President Nahar Singh Yadav on the demand to transfer a bail application.
The District Judge came down from the dias. It is alleged that after the altercation, the District Judge was misbehaved with. Amidst the heavy uproar, the police had to be called in the court room. The lawyers stopped work during the uproar. On receiving the information, the PAC personnel deployed on the ground floor also reached there and lathi charged fiercely.
During this, there was a stampede in the court, after which the lawyers started sloganeering in the district court. Meanwhile, the news of fire in the police station created an atmosphere of chaos. The lawyers allege that they were beaten up in the District Judge Court Room with the doors closed from all sides, in which a large number of advocates were seriously injured.
The Western Uttar Pradesh Advocates Association has expressed displeasure over this incident. Along with this, it has demanded punitive action against the officers and police personnel guilty of lathicharge. They say that if this is not done, then a strong movement will be launched against the police administration. Meanwhile, the association has also called a meeting in this regard.