On Monday, Jagdeep Dhankar, the Vice President emphasised the significance of focusing on ‘Kutumb Prabodhan’ (strengthening of families and family values) in society during his address in Ujjain. He stated that Kutumb Prabodhan is inherent in the character of India and is a core principle of our culture. He said, “It is part of India’s character; if we do not pay attention to the family, how will life be meaningful? We must know who is in our neighbourhood, who is in our society, what their joys and sorrows are, and how we can help them. This makes life meaningful. In a time when everyone is turning towards materialism becoming so busy that we ignore our loved ones, the nation will only thrive when the family is cared for. The nation will prosper when we care for our own. This is the core principle of our culture”.
In his address at the 66th ‘All India Kalidas Festival’ in Ujjain on December 2, the Vice President also drew attention to the duties of citizens, saying, “Brothers and sisters, no society or country can function solely by emphasising rights. Our Constitution grants us rights, but we must balance those rights with our duties. Citizens have responsibilities.
Therefore, on this day, I urge you to reflect. We are citizens of a great India. Indian-ness is our identity. We believe in nationalism, and our nation is our greatest religion. The nation must be above all, and every citizen must contribute to it. The best way to do this is by fulfilling our duties.”
The Vice President highlighted the need to instill awareness about civic duties and ethics in the younger generation for character building, saying, “Children are our future. We must pay attention to their character and nurture their belief in ethics. This is our primary responsibility. It is great to imagine and aspire for children to become doctors, engineers, officers, or entrepreneurs, but the most important thing is that children should grow up to be good citizens who understand the value of being a responsible citizen and fulfilling their duties”.