The Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ), which has accused former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of corruption, shared a video showing a tour of his luxurious residence, calling him “Delhi ka millionaire.” On Tuesday, the BJP posted the video with the caption: “Liquor deals, Delhi ka Naash. I get liquor money, super fast. Jootha hai nature, karta nahi care. Keju hai Delhi ka Millionaire!”
Referring to Kejriwal’s home as ‘Sheesh Mahal,’ the BJP highlighted the sums spent on its interiors and furnishings. In a separate post, Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva slammed Kejriwal for his extravagant spending on the ‘Sheesh Mahal,’ pointing out alleged irregularities in the construction and the hefty amounts spent on high-end household items and decor.
Sachdeva claimed Arvind Kejriwal has built a 7-star resort for himself, noting that the total cost of marble, granite, and lighting amounted to approximately Rs 1.9 crore. Meanwhile, the gym, spa, and other equipment cost an additional Rs 3.75 crore. Launching a scathing attack on Kejriwal, the BJP chief questioned how someone who had sworn not to accept a government house, car, or security could now be using taxpayer money.
“How those who swear on their children and falsely promise not to take government house, car, security are looting the money of Delhi’s taxpayers. Meanwhile, the common man of Delhi, DDA’s 34 EWS Flat, or 15 LIG Flat, or, 150 CNG Auto, or 326 E-Rickshaw can buy it!” he said. ‘Bhrashtachaar ke Laal, Waah re Kejriwal!! Bas Aur Kuch Nahi Kahena!!” Sachdeva added.