On Tuesday, the opposition moved a no-confidence motion against Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, making it the first action in India’s parliamentary history. One of the Opposition parties said the motion had been moved, with 65 signatures. The minimum required numbers for moving a motion to remove the vice president is 50.
Though the motion is expected to be defeated given how the numbers are stacked in the Rajya Sabha, the Opposition that had contemplated a no-trust motion against Dhankhar in August as well wants to prove its point of not being given an opportunity to speak in the House by the presiding officer. On Tuesday, proceedings in the Upper House were washed out within hours, as the BJP again accused the Congress of colluding with billionaire investor George Soros to harm the country.
The notice, spearheaded by the Congress, comes in the wake of ties between opposition parties and the Rajya Sabha chairman. “ALL parties belonging to the INDIA group have had no option but to formally submit a no-confidence motion against the learned Hon’ble Chairman of the Rajya Sabha for the extremely partisan manner in which he has been conducting the proceedings of the Council of States. It has been a very painful decision for the INDIA parties to take, but in the interests of parliamentary democracy they have had to take this step,” Congress General Secretary (In-charge, Communications) Jairam Ramesh posted on X.