At Mumbai’s Bhaji market last night a BEST electric bus lost control, ramming into several vehicles and claiming seven lives while injuring over 50 people. CCTV footage of the horrific accident, which occurred around 9:45 PM in the Kurla (West) area, shows the bus navigating a narrow road lined with parked vehicles before veering off course. The bus, driven by Sanjay More, was en route from Kurla Railway Station (West) to Sakinaka when the driver lost control.
The bus crushed down the pedestrians and vehicles before crashing into a residential complex in Buddha Colony, where it finally came to a stop. Among the injured were at least four police personnel, as confirmed by doctors at Seven Hills Hospital. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has announced ₹5 lakh as financial aid for the families of the deceased. He also assured that the BEST will cover the medical expenses of the injured.
The driver, Sanjay More, has been arrested and charged with culpable homicide. Investigations suggest he lacked experience driving heavy vehicles. A blood test will be conducted to determine if he was under the influence of alcohol at the time. Officials also plan to inspect the bus, which had been in service for just three months, for any potential technical faults.