On Wednesday, Rahul Gandhi gave a rose and Tiranga to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. Several Congress MPs were also spotted handing out roses to NDA MPs within the Parliament premises. Rajya Sabha proceedings on Wednesday were adjourned for the next day without transacting any business as opposition and treasury benches traded charges over the impeachment notice against the House Chairman and Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar.
Opposition parties on Tuesday gave a notice to move a motion to impeach Dhankhar over his alleged partisan role as the Chairperson of the Upper House. Soon following listed official papers were laid on the table of the House, Dhankhar gave the floor to Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Kiren Rijiju to speak and said he would allow Deputy Leader of the Congress party Pramod Tiwari to speak thereafter.
But MPs from the both sides rose in their respective seats, shouting slogans and counter slogans. Rijiju attacked the Congress over the impeachment notice, calling the allegations against the Chair baseless. When his turn came, Tiwari could hardly speak a sentence when Dhankhar adjourned the proceedings till 12:00 hours. After the laying of the papers, the Chair said he had received five notices under rule 267 that seek to set aside the business of the day to discuss the issue being raised through them.
He started mentioning the names of the MPs who had moved the notices when treasury benches and opposition MPs started rising in their places. He then gave the floor to Rijiju to speak. The minister said Dhankhar, a son of farmer, has been a protector of the dignity of the House”Opposition does not believe in democracy. It does not obey the Chair,” he said.
“You level baseless allegations (against the chair). You have no right to be a member of Rajya Sabha if you cannot honour and obey the Chair.” He went on to state that the treasury benches will defend any move to attack the honour and dignity of the Chair. “We will not allow this.” Rijiju, thereafter, raised the issue of alleged nexus between US hedge fund tycoon George Soros and Congress that, ruling party has alleged poses a threat to national security.