On Friday, the Lok Sabha will start a two-day debate on the Constitution to mark the beginning of the 75th year of its adoption in the country. As per the listed agenda of the Lok Sabha, there will be a ‘Special discussion on the 75th anniversary of adoption of the Constitution of India’ on Friday. The discussions will begin after the Question Hour, which is also listed in the agenda of the lower house.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will initiate the debate on the Constitution in the Lok Sabha, while Union Home Minister Amit Shah is expected to initiate a similar debate in the Rajya Sabha in the coming week, according to the media reports. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to reply to the two-day debate on the Constitution in the Lok Sabha on Saturday, according to the media reports. All eyes are on this special debate which will be a face-off between the BJP-led NDA government and the Opposition, INDI Alliance.
The two-day debate is expected to begin at 12 noon with over 12 leaders from the BJP expected to take part. Leaders and members of parties in the ruling National Democratic Alliance including HD Kumaraswamy, Srikant Shinde, Shambhavi Chaudhary, Rajkumar Sangwan, Jiten Ram Manjhi, Anupriya Patel and Rajiv Ranjan Singh are also likely to speak during the debate.
While Rahul Gandhi was likely to start the discussion on the Constitution in the Lok Sabha on behalf of the opposition as LoP, some leaders pointed to a change of strategy and said that Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra may open the debate for the opposition camp which would be her maiden speech in the Lok Sabha. DMK leaders TR Balu and A Raja and Trinamool Congress MPs Kalyan Banerjee and Mohua Moitra are likely to take part in the debate.