Manipur Police launched a massive search operation in various suspected areas after the killing of two non-locals by unidentified armed assailants in Keirak, Manipur on December 14. In this connection, Manipur Police arrested Irengbam Rameshwar Singh (48), an active cadre of KCP (PWG) from Kakching Lamkhai area of Kakching district.
On the disclosure of Rameshwar Singh during interrogation, the police team raided a camp located in Kakching Mamang Ching Lapham Loknung area and arrested seven other cadres of KCP (PWG) from the spot. The arrested cadres have been identified as Elangbam Herojit Singh (40), Haikrijam Prem (28), Okram Arundatta (30), Senjam Rabingson (27), Okram Amarjit (31), Aribam Ghanendrajit Sharma (25) and Chongtham Rajkumar (26).
The police recovered several weapons and other material during the raid. These include 7.65 pistol with magazine – 1, indigenously manufactured 9mm pistol with magazine – 1, .32 pistol with magazine – 1, indigenously manufactured 7.62 sniper rifle with magazine – 1, DBBL gun – 2, SBBL gun – 2, HE grenade with detonator – 3, live cartridges – 19, empty cartridges – 2, Baofeng handset and charger – 2, mobile phones – 10, unregistered two-wheeler – 1 and several other suspicious items.
Manipur Police said the operation will continue to restore peace and security in the state.
Hindusthan Samachar