On Tuesday, several schools in South and West Delhi received bomb threats, according to the media reports. The list included some prominent names including Indian Public School in the South received the threat. Police, fire brigade and bomb squad were sent to the school. The school premises have been evacuated and an investigation is being carried out, the Delhi Police said. This marks the fifth incident in this month.
On December 14th, several schools including DPS RK Puram received a bomb threat email. The mail sent to the Delhi schools by the email address childrenofallah@outlook.com, reads, ‘Allah sees your efforts to resist his punishment but they are futile. For no mortal being can escape the judgement of Allah. The Prophet Mohammed declares all who go against Allah enemies to the world. We see your attempt to stop us, it will not work. The Prophet Mohammed has allowed the children to burn in the sacred flame of Allah. On Saturday where students may not be there in your buildings, is when the buildings will be brought down. Our bomb vests are blessed by the Prophet Mohammed, they shall not fail they’re goal. Our children are brave servants of Allah, they shall complete their task.”
A day before, as many as 16 private schools across the national capital namely, Bhatnagar Public School Paschim Vihar, Cambridge School Shri Niwas Puri, DPS East Of Kailash, Venkatesh Public School Rohini, DPS Vasant Kunj, British School, Modern School, DPS RK Puram, NDPS School, SDP School Defence Colony, Salwan Public School, Richmond Global School, DAV School Daryaganj, Mount Carmel School, Don Bosco School, STS School received a bomb threat.
“This email is to inform you that there are many explosives in your school premises and I am sure that you all do not check your students bag frequently when they enter the school premises. A secret dark web group is involved in this activity and many red rooms also. The bombs are powerful enough to destroy the buildings and harm people. And, from today till the 14th December, means tomorrow, in both of the days, there is an expected parent-teacher meeting to be happened And, through our dark sources, it is also confirmed that one of the schools involved in all the emails is currently conducting marching for their sports day, in which students gather in a collective field, making a huge crowd, which is a clear advantage, while the building will be left alone with only a few staffs and no one to look around. 13th December 2024 and 14th December 2024, these both days can be the day your school will face a bomb blast.