On Thursday, two MPs of the Bhartiya Janata Party ( BJP ) have been seriously injured following a physical attack by Lok Sabha Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi, during the Ambedkar Issue protest in the Parliament. The injured BJP MPs are presently in the hospital and in a latest update, PM Modi has called up and spoken to them, asking them about their health.
In a latest update, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called up Pratap Chandra Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput and has enquired about there health condition and injury. This comes after the BJP MP claimed of being pushed by Rahul Gandhi during the showdown in Parliament amid the ongoing Ambedkar issue. RML MS Dr Ajay Shukla says, “He (PM called up) and inquired of the condition of both MPs. He spoke with both of them. He tried to make them understand to not worry and that they would be fine. They seem to be better now. Tests are being done”.
#WATCH | BJP MPs injured | Delhi: RML MS Dr Ajay Shukla says, "He (PM called up) and inquired of the condition of both MPs. He spoke with both of them…He tried to make them understand to not worry and that they would be fine…They seem to be better now. Tests are being… pic.twitter.com/7hO4oAPy5y
— ANI (@ANI) December 19, 2024
Sarangi said, “Rahul Gandhi pushed an MP who fell on me after which I fell down. I was standing near the stairs when Rahul Gandhi came and pushed an MP who then fell on me”. The 69-year-old Sarangi’s temple seemed to be bleeding and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, Rajput is said to be in critical condition and in ICU.
According to the media reports, Union Ministers Pralhad Joshi, Arjun Ram Meghwal, Piyush Goyal, and other BJP leaders are going to RML hospital to meet Sarangi. Following the incident, the Union Minister and BJP leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan said, “This is a black day in Parliamentary history. Decorum has been torn apart. Democracy has been shredded and sullied. There is no other example like that of the hooliganism of Rahul Gandhi and Congress party. Such conduct was never seen in the Parliamentary history of India. Why are they releasing their frustration in Parliament if they lost Haryana and Maharashtra ?
A workshop should be called to train Rahul Gandhi and Congress people to understand the conduct in democracy. I am sad. Amit Shah ‘s speech exposed Congress. They are so frustrated with it that they have stooped to hooliganism now. We condemn this hooliganism.”