On Friday, BJP leader CT Ravi filed a counter-complaint at the Khanapura police station in Belagavi, alleging an attempt to kill him by Congress leaders Lakshmi Hebbalkar, Chamaraja, Hattiholi, DK Shivakumar, Saddam, and others. The alleged incident occurred at Suvarna Soudha in Belagavi. CT Ravi claimed that the police brought him to the Khanapura police station without providing a reason. “Police brought me to Khanapura police station around 8 pm.
They didn’t tell me in which case they brought me. They’re not registering my complaint; they’re not even filing a zero FIR. If something happens to me, the Congress government must take responsibility,” the BJP leader alleged. Ravi further accused Congress leaders and the police of conspiring against him. “By registering a false case, they’re conspiring to murder me. I have already filed a complaint. It’s been three hours since I was brought to the police station, and I haven’t been told why. If something happens to me, the police, DK Shivakumar, Lakshmi Hebbalkar, and their team will be responsible,” he said.
Ravi also expressed concern over his treatment, claiming it was similar to actions taken during the Emergency period. “They’re treating me like a criminal, and it’s creating doubt in me. I have worked as a minister and am a people’s representative. They’re acting the way they did during the ‘Emergency,’” the BJP leader added.
Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition in the Karnataka State Assembly and BJP leader R Ashoka criticized the Belagavi City Police Commissioner, alleging that CT Ravi was tortured after being taken into custody. Speaking to ANI, Ashoka said, “The police station has become a Congress party office. As elected members, we have been sitting here for the last 4-5 hours. The Police Commissioner is not giving the acknowledgment. The Police Commissioner tortured CT Ravi; he was bleeding from the head. The entire Karnataka is under ‘goondaraj.’ The BJP will protest tomorrow. I want to tell the police officers that this is not a permanent government. Think of the law and order situation.”