Delhi, 4 January (H.S.) : Today, Saturday is going to be a very special day for people interested in astronomy. Two astronomical events will take place in the sky in the evening. In the first event, the Earth will be reaching closest to the Sun this year while orbiting in an elliptical path. In the second event, Saturn, Moon and Venus will be seen forming a line in the sky. National award-winning science broadcaster Sarika Ghaaru said that in this cold season, it seems that the Sun that gives us warmth has gone away from us, but it is not so. She said that while orbiting the Sun, the Earth comes closest to the Sun one day in a year and is farthest on another day. Today at 6:58 pm, the Earth is reaching the closest point to the Sun and this distance will be reduced to 14 crore 71 lakh three thousand 686 kilometers.
This is called coming to the perihelion point. Sarika told that in July we will be farthest from the sun. This astronomical event is called aphelion. Today we will be about 50 lakh kilometers closer to the sun than aphelion. Even after the sun coming close to the earth, we are feeling cold at this time because the rays of the sun are falling obliquely on our land at this time.
She told that another astronomical event will also be seen in the sky this evening. In this, Saturn, Moon and Venus will be seen shining in a line. This event of Saturn (Saturn), Crescent Moon (Moon) and Venus (Venus) lining up will be seen for about two hours after sunset. She said that such opportunities do not come again and again, so do not miss the opportunity to feel the coolness of the sun in the winter season and to see three shining celestial bodies in a line in the evening sky.
Hindusthan Samachar