A group of fraudsters, led by an individual identified as Wajid Imran, has been implicated in a complex scheme involving the illegal transfer of Rs 1 crore from the Kalburgi Municipal Corporation to their accounts. This incident, occurring during an ongoing investigation into substantial financial irregularities associated with the Valmiki Development Corporation, has provided fresh ammunition for opposition parties looking to undermine the credibility of Minister Priyank Kharge in the wake of his constituency being at the centre of this scandal.
The fraudulent activities reportedly spanned from July to November 2024, during which time officials at the corporation remained seemingly oblivious to the illegal transactions under their noses. Following a belated complaint by the corporation’s chief accountant, it was only recently that law enforcement sprung into action, culminating in the registration of a First Information Report (FIR) against the three prime suspects on December 31, 2024.
The alleged fraudsters forged both the corporation’s seal and the signature of the Municipal Commissioner, executing cheques that ultimately led to significant monetary withdrawals, including a sizable transaction processed at a bank branch in Chennai. Questions are now being raised about the oversight and vigilance of corporation officials, particularly in light of a substantial sum of Rs 1,86,15,663 that was deposited into the commissioner’s account via Demand Drafts attributed to the telecommunications company, Bharti Airtel Limited, during the same time frame.
Intriguingly, discussions surrounding these alarming developments had allegedly occurred between the corporation officials and the District In-charge Minister Priyank Kharge, casting a shadow over his involvement or lack of oversight in these matters. The gravity of the situation is underscored by the fact that the FIR is now public, revealing intricate details of the transactions and the individuals invloved.