An incident of encroachment on temple land has surfaced from Umran village in the Thathia police station area of Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. According to the media reports, tensions occurred between Muslims and Hindus in the village after a Mazar was found to have been erected on land that belongs to the village temple. According to the media reports, about a week ago, when members of the Hindu community went to the site to protest the encroachment on temple land, they were met with stone pelting from the Muslim community. The attackers also targeted Hindu women who were passing by. A video of the incident, showing the stone pelting, recently surfaced on social media.
The issue involves an elevated plot of land spanning 70 Bighas, densely covered with Acacia trees. Of these 70 Bighas belong to the village temple, while the Gram Sabha owns the rest. Villagers claim that the land has remained vacant due to the thick Acacia trees. However, recently, a Mazar was found erected on the temple’s land, triggering violence between the two communities.
The villagers alleged that local Muslims have been eyeing the land for some time. They accused both the local police and the Electricity Department of colluding with the Muslims in an attempt to seize the temple land. According to the villagers, the police assisted the Muslims in levelling the elevated land and engaging in illegal mining. Furthermore, it is claimed that the Muslims managed to install a tubewell on the land with the help of the Electricity Department and began cultivating it.