After a report in Panchjanya raised alarm over illegal mazaars being built in Kashipur, Udham Singh Nagar district, the District Development Authority (DDA) acted swiftly, issuing a notice to the Khadim of the Bhullan Shah Mazar. The notice, demanding a response within two days, alleges that the mazaar in question has been constructed without the necessary government permissions on both the first and second floors.
Kashipur, located in Udham Singh Nagar district, is a city rich in religious and cultural history, with several important temples and heritage sites recognised by the Archaeological Department. The recent discovery of more than thirty illegal mazaars in the city has raised serious concerns among residents and experts alike. These structures, many of which are suspected of being built on government land, seem to be part of a broader trend of encroachment and illegal construction.
It is important to note that Kashipur, often referred to as a “Hindu belief city,” is home to several renowned religious landmarks, including the Moteshwar Mahadev Temple, Chaiti Temple, Mansa Devi Temple, Nag Shakti Temple, Dron Sagar, and Girital. These sites are central to Sanatan religious beliefs and attract a significant number of devotees every year. However, in recent times, large mazaars and tombs have started springing up in the city, with many being built on land that is either government-owned or privately owned, causing tensions among landowners and residents.
One particular mazaar under construction near a school in the Katorataal area of Kashipur has drawn attention for its opulent design and large scale. This mazaar’s construction is in direct violation of Supreme Court directives, which state that no new religious construction can take place without the approval of the District Magistrate. In this case, the Uttarakhand High Court has also stepped in, designating the DM as the nodal officer for monitoring such construction activities.