Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, will now be called ‘Kamala’. Laurene is presently in Prayagraj to visit the Mahakumbh in Uttar Pradesh. She was given the Hindu name on Friday, said Kailashanand Giri Maharaj of Niranjani Akhara. The billionaire widow arrived in Prayagraj on January 13 and will stay at the camp of her guru Swami Kaliashananda, the ‘Mahamnadleshwar’ of Niranjani Akhara and will participate in several rituals of the Maha Kumbh till January 29.
“She is coming to visit her guru here. We have named her Kamala and she is like a daughter to us. This is the second time she is coming to India. Everyone is welcome in Kumbh,” quoted Akhara. The seer further added that Powell is coming for her personal programme, adding “She is coming here to meditate.”
When asked if she will be added to the Akhara’s ‘Peshawai,’ he said, “We will try to include her in the Peshwai. We will leave it to her to decide. She will tour this Kumbh and meet the seers here. She will also feel good. we will also feel good that those who don’t know much about our traditions want to learn.” The seer continued, “Most people in the world are under the guidance of some guru. Many people are coming to Kumbh; some are coming for their personal program”.
Earlier, during the visit to the Kashi temple with Steve Jobs’s wife, Akhara mentioned that they prayed for the successful completion of the Maha Kumbh without any obstacles or difficulty. “Today, we have come to Kashi to pray to Mahadev that the Kumbh is completed without any obstacles. I came here to invite Mahadev.”
Mahakumbh is one of the world’s largest gatherings held at India’s sacred rivers, particularly in Prayagraj as the city has not one but three sacred rivers – the Ganga, the Yamuna and the Saraswati. The Sangam is considered the most sacred Kumbh Mela site. Haridwar, Ujjain and Nashik also celebrate the festival. The festival will start on January 13, 2025, and continue till February 26, 2025