Former OpenAI programmer and Whistleblower Suchir Balaji’s mother, Poornima Rao thanked billionaire Elon Musk and his social media company X saying, “@elonmusk thank you for your attention to this.”In a video post, Poornima said, “@elonmusk thank you for your attention to this. Thank you for the X platform where we can express facts concerns openly with out fear of being killed.”
She further stated that the media is not covering the incident in an unbiased way. Suchir Balaji’s death reignited concerns about the transparency in artificial intelligence development. Balaji, who was found deceased in his San Francisco home last year, was an outspoken critic of OpenAI’s shift to a for-profit model.
Initially his death was termed as a suicide, his family and some investigative journalists believe it to be a murder. In a recent interview Suchir Balaji’s mother, Poornima Rao, claimed that her son was not okay with OpenAI becoming ‘for-profit’. She earlier claimed her son’s death to be a ‘cold-blooded murder declared by authorities as suicide’. Poornima said, “The reason he joined OpenAI was his belief that AI will help humanity. He was very impressed with OpenAI initially because they were nonprofit. That’s when his concern started to arise, and he started questioning himself.”
As the case came in the limelight, high-profile figures such as Elon Musk, questioned the circumstances of his death, challenging the police’s ruling of suicide and calling for a more thorough investigation. Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has responded to the plea made by the mother of OpenAi Whistleblower Suchir Balaji saying, “This doesn’t seems a suicide”, in which she called for an FBI investigation following her son’s death. Balaji accused the AI giant of copyright violations, and he was found dead a month after the allegations surfaced.