On Friday, the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) released its manifesto for the Delhi Assembly Elections 2025. Party’s president JP Nadda unveiled the “Sankalp Patra” at the BJP office and announced Rs 2,500 monthly aid for women in Delhi under ‘Mahila Samridhi Yojana’ if the party voted to power. Addressing a press conference, JP Nadda announced that all ongoing public welfare schemes would continue if the BJP comes to power.
Nadda asserted, “All the schemes currently running in Delhi will be maintained under the BJP’s administration. We will eradicate all forms of corruption, which the AAPda party thrives on”. He further detailed the BJP’s track record, saying, “We made 500 promises in 2014, and we delivered on 499 of them. In 2019, we made 235 promises and fulfilled 225. The remaining are in advanced stages of implementation.”
Nadda emphasized the work carried out by BJP governments in many states, highlighting that women’s empowerment has been a key priority for the party. He noted, “Women have been our top priority. The Ujjwala Yojana, and the construction of toilets under Swachh Bharat—these initiatives reflect our commitment. In Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh , we are providing a monthly Mahila Samaan”.
. ₹2,500 monthly assistance for women in Delhi under the Mahila Samridhi Yojana.
. ₹500 LPG cylinder subsidy for economically weaker women in Delhi.
. One free LPG cylinder to be provided during Holi and Diwali every year.
. Six nutritional kits for women, along with ₹21,000 financial aid for pregnant mothers.
. Implementation of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana in the first cabinet meeting, with an additional health coverage of ₹50,000.
. Pension for senior citizens aged 60 to 70 years to be increased from ₹2,000 to ₹2,500.
. Pension for senior citizens above 70, widows, and specially-abled individuals to be raised from ₹2,500 to ₹3,000.
. Introduction of the Atal Canteen Yojana, offering meals for ₹5 to residents of slums and cluster areas.