On Friday, the US Consulate in Bengaluru was inaugurated following a wait of nearly two decade. Eric Garcetti, outgoing Ambassador to India, said the consulate will not be processing visa applications for now. During the ‘site dedication ceremony’ held at J W Marriott at Vittal Mallya Road, which houses the US Commercial Service (USCS) Office, Garcetti said, “While visa services will not be offered initially, we are committed to bringing those services here as soon as possible. We recognise the demand, whether it’s for tourism, education, or business, and this consulate will play a pivotal role in facilitating those connections”.
The consulate will operate from the USCS office, till a location is finalised. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, was present at the event. S Jaishankar hailed it as a ‘new milestone’ marking the starting of an exciting chapter for US-India relations. After a wait of nearly two decades, the US Consulate in Bengaluru was inaugurated on Friday, joining the first dozen foreign consulates in the city. Eric Garcetti, outgoing Ambassador to India, said the consulate will not be processing visa applications for now.
During the ‘site dedication ceremony’ held at J W Marriott at Vittal Mallya Road, which houses the US Commercial Service (USCS) Office, Garcetti said, “While visa services will not be offered initially, we are committed to bringing those services here as soon as possible. We recognise the demand, whether it’s for tourism, education, or business, and this consulate will play a pivotal role in facilitating those connections”.
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, who was present at the event, hailed it as a ‘new milestone’ marking the starting of an exciting chapter for US-India relations, particularly in sectors like technology, space, defence, and education. Jaishankar said, “As we enter an era of AI, EVs, drones, biotechnology, and advanced space exploration, our partnership will be increasingly defined by innovation. Bengaluru, as India’s tech capital, and Karnataka, as a hub of innovation, will play crucial roles in this journey”.
Sharing a glimpse of what went behind establishing a US Consulate in Bengaluru Jaishankar said, “In 2023, as we prepared for Prime Minister Modi’s state visit, the establishment of this consulate became a priority. Prime Minister Modi himself emphasised its importance, remarking, ‘We need to get this done’. I told Ambassador Garcetti ‘If you get Bengaluru done, I’ll get Los Angeles done’. So, as we celebrate this milestone, I am happy to share that a new Indian consulate in Los Angeles will soon follow.”