On Monday, the Uttar Pradesh government released an advisory about fire safety to all the camps at the Maha Kumbh Mela, being held at Prayagraj. The advisory asked people to immediately inform the Mela control and local police and fire stations on 112, 1920, 1090, or the numbers specified by ICCC in case of a fire or emergency incident. In case of a fire, it is asked to create noise to alert and notify the nearby tents to be cautious.
The advisory further reads, “During an emergency, remain calm and work with a cool mind, using the nearest fire-fighting equipment from a safe distance, without putting yourself in danger, to attempt extinguishing the fire”. Devotees need to be aware of the nearest exit routes and use them in case of a fire. It further reads, “Properly identify your fire-fighting equipment so it can be used correctly to extinguish the fire.Keep an adequate supply of water and sand near the tent to use in case of fire to extinguish it”.
Emphasising on quick evacuation of children, officials ask to cut down the ropes or strings of the tent to prevent the spread of the fire.”Make every effort to extinguish the fire using available water, sand, or any fire-fighting equipment as soon as possible,” it added. In case of a gas cylinder fire, officials asked to attempt to keep it upright and exit the area while trying to extinguish the fire on the cylinder with a wet cloth or fire extinguisher and work to stop any gas leakage. People were further asked to fight the fire as much as possible until emergency services arrived and helped people exit the area.