Celebrities Kapil Sharma, Rajpal Yadav, Remo D’Souza and Sugandha Mishra have received threat mails, which are suspected to have a connection with Pakistan. The Mumbai Police has filed an FIR on Kapil and Rajpal’s complaints and a non-cognizable crime has been registered on Sugandha’s complaint.
Meanwhile, Remo, has also alerted the police regarding the threat mail. According to the media reports, the emailer had written “bishnu” (not Bishnoi) at the end of the email. Bishnoi, meanwhile, could have referred to gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, whose name continues to prop up in cases related to celebrity threats. According to the media reports, the initial investigation revealed that the emailer had sent the threat mail from Pakistan.
Further investigation is going on in this matter. In this regard, the Amboli Police have registered a case against an unknown person under section 351(3) of the BNS. The mail has been received from the id don99284@gmail.com’. The contents of the mail read, “We have been monitoring your recent activities, and we believe it is imperative that we bring a sensitive matter to your attention. This is not a publicity stunt or an attempt to harass you. We urge you to treat this message with the utmost seriousness and confidentiality. Failure to do so may result in severe consequences that could impact your professional and personal life.”
In continued, “We expect a prompt response from you within the next 8 hours. If we do not receive a response, we will assume you are not taking this matter seriously, and we will take necessary actions.”