Delhi Police issued a detailed traffic advisory ahead of Republic Day 2025 informing commuters about the restrictions and diversions in place on several roads. On Friday, Delhi Police posted an image on X that read, “Traffic Advisory In view of @republicday2025 Celebrations on January 26, 2025, certain traffic restrictions will be effective in Delhi. Commuters are requested to avoid the mentioned routes and plan their journey accordingly.” Additional Commissioner of Police (Traffic) DK Gupta said that entry at the borders of the city will be restricted from Saturday evening.
“We have made a detailed traffic plan according to which from 9 pm on Saturday, the entry at the bordering areas will be restricted and only essential vehicles will be allowed. This restriction will be in place till the parade gets over,” Gupta said. Apart from this, there will be diversions on the roads leading to the parade route from Vijay Chowk to Red Fort.
The traffic restriction will be in place on C-Hexagon after 9.15 pm on Saturday, he said. According to the advisory, the Republic Day parade will start at 10.30 am from Vijay Chowk and proceed to Red Fort. There will be a function at the National War Memorial, India Gate at 9.30 am. The parade will follow Vijay Chowk, Kartavyapath, C-Hexagon, about statue of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Tilak Marg, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Netaji Subhash Marg, and Red Fort, they said.
No vehicles will be allowed on Kartavya Path from Vijay Chowk to India Gate from 5 pm on Saturday till the parade is over. Also, no cross traffic will be allowed on Kartavya Path from 10 pm on Saturday at Rafi Marg, Janpath, Man Singh Road till the conclusion of the Republic Day celebrations. C-Hexagon to India Gate will be closed for traffic from 9.15 am on Sunday till the parade crosses Tilak Marg, the police said.