On Wednesday, the Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ) launched its historic 100th mission from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota with the GSLV-F15 mission at 6:23 AM. The 27-hour countdown started on Tuesday at the spaceport’s second launch pad. According to ISRO, the satellite’s key applications include terrestrial, aerial, and maritime navigation, precision agriculture, fleet management, location-based services for mobile devices, orbit determination for satellites, Internet of Things (IoT) applications, emergency services, and timing services.
According to ISRO, the satellite’s key applications include terrestrial, aerial, and maritime navigation, precision agriculture, fleet management, location-based services for mobile devices, orbit determination for satellites, Internet of Things (IoT) applications, emergency services, and timing services. The rocket was once referred to as the “naughty boy” of ISRO due to its earlier challenges. Of the 16 previous launches, 6 had failed.
#WATCH | Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh: ISRO launchs its 100th mission, the NVS-02 navigation satellite aboard the launch vehicle GSLV-F15 from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 6.23 am today.
(Source: ISRO) pic.twitter.com/n5iY9N8N0p
— ANI (@ANI) January 29, 2025
This mission will update the satellite constellation of the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), which consists of a total of 7 satellites. With this 100th launch, India now has 5 of the 7 satellites in orbit.
Additionally, this launch marks the first for ISRO’s Chairman, V. Narayanan, who recently assumed office. It is also the agency’s maiden mission of the year.
The 50.9-meter-tall rocket, emitting thick fumes from its tail, lifted off from the second launch pad at precisely 6:23 AM on Wednesday. The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-F15) follows the GSLV-F12 mission, which successfully carried the NVS-01 navigation satellite, the first of the second-generation satellites, on May 29, 2023. ISRO confirmed that the navigation satellite onboard GSLV-F15 was successfully placed into orbit.
Earlier on Tuesday, Nilesh Desai, Director of the Space Applications Centre (SAC)/ISRO, mentioned that the launch would help update India’s Regional Navigation Satellite System, increasing the number of satellites from 4 to 5. Desai stated, “We are launching the GSLV-F15 mission at 6:23 AM, which will carry the NVS-02 satellite into orbit. It will be placed in geostationary orbit at 36,000 kilometers, bringing the total number of satellites in our navigation constellation from 4 to 5. This will enhance the overall accuracy of the positioning services provided by our navigation satellites.”