On Wednesday, in the run up to the Delhi Assembly Elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, likened AAP leaders to ‘thug’ Charles Sobhraj. At a public meeting at Kartar Nagar in New Delhi, PM Modi equated the AAP leaders to serial killer Sobhraj who gained notoriety for duping people.
PM Modi said, “Those who built ‘sheesh mahal’ and those who looted public money worth thousands of crores of rupees can never think of the welfare of the poor. That is why they are spreading lies in Delhi. These AAP-da people speak lies with such innocence that people get trapped.” He said, “You may have heard of Charles Sobhraj. He was a known thug, but he was such an expert at duping people with innocence that every time people would get duped by him. That is why one has to remain cautious of such people”.
“Delhi has made it clear that now excuses, fake promises as well as “loot and lies” of the “AAP-da” government will not work”, said PM Modi. PM Modi expressed his condolences at the tragic incident at Kumbh and said he was monitoring the situation after the stampede and bathing at the Maha Kumbh has since started there. Before addressing his poll rally in Delhi’s Kartar Nagar, Modi said he expresses his condolences over the tragic incident and prayed for the early recovery of those injured.
“We had to lose some good souls in the tragic incident at Kumbh and some people have also got hurt. I convey my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and pray for the early recovery of those injured.” said Modi. “I am in constant touch with the Uttar Pradesh government. Due to ‘Mauni Amavasya’, crores of devotees have reached there. For sometime, the process of bathing had been halted, but now for several hours, the yatris are taking a bath. I once again convey my condolences to the families,” he added at the poll rally.