31 January (H.S.): Joint team of Police Station Rasulpur and Ramgarh arrested three accused Aamir, Shamsad and Faheem, who had committed cow slaughter in late Thursday night. The three accused injured by bullets were admitted to the hospital for treatment in police custody. Additional Superintendent of Police City Ravi Shankar Prasad said on Friday that a campaign is being carried out to search for wanted criminals. In the same sequence, police station Rasulpur in-charge Anuj Kumar and Ramgarh police station in -charge Sanjeev Kumar Dubey were on patrol in the area with the police team when it was reported that the wanted accused in the cow slaughter case, Aamir, Shamsad, Faheem, were preparing to slaughter the animal in Teen Lalpur Mandi ground. When the police teams laid siege on the information, the accused started the fire.
In self-defense, the police team fired in retaliation, in which the three accused were injured. The police arrested them. Police have recovered three pistols, cartridges etc. from them. The ASP said that the injured accused have been admitted to the district hospital of treatment.
Hindusthan Samachar