In a devastating incident on Tuesday, tragedy struck as a convoy of Chinese nationals fell victim to a suicide bombing in northwest Pakistan. According to Mohammad Ali Gandapur, a top police official, the attack occurred as the convoy was en route from Islamabad to their camp in Dasu, located in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
Reports indicate that a suicide bomber targeted the convoy, driving an explosives-laden vehicle into the midst of the Chinese engineers’ procession. “Five Chinese nationals and their Pakistani driver were killed in the attack,” stated Mohammad Ali Gandapur.
Dasu, known for its major dam project, has unfortunately been a recurrent target for such acts of violence. Notably, in 2021, a similar blast on a bus claimed the lives of 13 individuals, including nine Chinese nationals.
In response to the incident, authorities swiftly mobilized, with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police promptly arriving at the scene to initiate relief efforts. Mohammad Ali Gandapur assured that measures have been taken to secure the remaining members of the convoy.