At the Met Gala this year, Alia Bhatt was seen wearing a stunning Sabyasachi floral saree with a dramatic pallu-train. Alia, who made her Met Gala debut in 2023, surprised this time as her presence had not been confirmed.
Alia Bhatt’s custom embroidered saree interpreted the theme of this year’s Met Gala – ‘Sleeping Beauty: Reawakening Fashion’ with the dress code ‘The Garden of Time’.
The actress was styled by Anaita Shroff who accompanied her to the Met Gala. Before making her appearance on the red carpet, Alia Bhatt said, ‘The sari’s design, with its translucent, glass-like appearance is not just a nod to the ethereal quality of the garden in Ballard’s story but also a tribute to the exquisite, enduring craft of sari-making’.
Alia Bhatt made her Met Gala debut last year in a Prabal Gurung dress. Since then, she’s added a Hollywood credit to her resume with the Netflix release Heart Of Stone, starring Gal Gadot. Alia Bhatt added, ‘What drew me to this look was the audacity of how it merges traditional craftsmanship. Sabyasachi, known for his dedication to bringing old-world charm and modern sophistication together, seemed like the perfect choice to encapsulate the theme of this year’s Met Gala’.
It was a call to the Garden of Time – an ode to art and eternity.
Timelessness is endless, and we acknowledge that things crafted with time and care, can last forever. In our journey for an Indian interpretation of this universal theme, the outfit took on a life of its own.…
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) May 7, 2024