On Wednesday, propaganda journalist Ajit Anjum called out Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra for blocking him after he tagged her in a video related to RG Kar Medical College Rape and Murder Case.
In a post on X in Hindi, Ajit wrote, “As soon as I tagged a question about the brutality against a doctor daughter in Bengal, Mahua Moitra blocked me. Well done, Madam, well done. You question Modi’s government with sharp criticism every day, but when I asked your government one question, you immediately blocked me. Can’t you handle a single question? Are you only capable of asking them? Do you only know how to preach about freedom of expression? A daughter was brutalised under your party’s rule, and no one should even ask you about it? Alright, no worries. That’s why people say—there are limits to hypocrisy”
When Ajit Anjum did not get a reaction from Mahua, he quoted his own post and said, “There are limits to hypocrisy too, Madam Mahua Moitra. Asking for an answer regarding such brutality against a daughter in your state results in being blocked. Please don’t lecture us about freedom of expression now, Madam. If, as an MP of the ruling party in Bengal, you can’t bear to hear a single question, then you have no right to comment on rape incidents in UP, Bihar, or any other state. Don’t shout at the top of your lungs in Parliament or on the streets about rape and murder incidents in other states, Madam.”
Ajit Anjum had tagged Mahua Moitra and others in a video where a female relative of the victim was explaining what they had to go through after the brutal murder.
The woman also raised questions over the way victim’s family members were treated when they reached the college after learning about the incident.