On Friday Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in war-hit Ukraine after a 10-hour journey from Poland. This is the first-ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine. The visit came at the invitation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Upon arrival, PM Modi was received at the station and subsequently headed to the Hyatt Hotel for initial engagements. Indian diaspora welcomed PM Modi at the hotel.
PM Modi’s visit will include a notable stop at the multimedia Martyrologist at the Ukraine National Museum. Here, the Prime Minister will honour the memory of the children of Ukraine, whose lives were taken by the full-scale Russian invasion.
The Ukraine Museum exhibition presents documents and artefacts of the biggest military conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries and reveals the heroic struggle of Ukrainians for their freedom, independence and cultural identity. Later in the day, PM Modi will pay homage to the Gandhi statue, symbolising the enduring legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and his principles of peace and non-violence.
The bronze statue of the Mahatma at AV Fomin Botanical Garden was unveiled in 2020 on the occasion of the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. PM Modi will then head to the Mariinskyi palace, where he will be welcomed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.