On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on a two-day historic trip to Kuwait, according to the media reports. Notably, this marks the first visit by any Indian prime minister to Kuwait in the last 43 years. Prime Minister Modi will kick off his tour with a visit to an Indian labour camp, aiming to display solidarity with the Indian migrants working in the Middle East country.
PM Modi is embarking on the trip on the invitation of the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The PM will also hold bilateral talks with the Emir, and Crown Prince Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, besides an interaction with the Indian diaspora at a grand event ‘Hala Modi’. Over 5,000 people belonging to Indian community is expected to attend the event. PM Modi will be also be accorded a ceremonial guard of honour at the Bayan Palace, followed by meetings with Kuwait’s leadership.
The visit by PM Modi to the Gulf country hold immense significance as it is expected to boost bilateral ties in various sectors. During talks with the leadership of Kuwait, PM Modi will assess the entire spectrum of bilateral relations, including areas like politics, trade, investment, energy, culture, and people-to-people ties. They will also review the steps that both countries need to take to further bolster the cooperation. Addressing reporters ahead of PM’s visit, Arun Kumar Chatterjee, Secretary (CPV & OIA), Ministry of External Affairs, said the trip assumes “considerable significance.” Chatterjee added that the relations between Indian and the Gulf region has undergone a major transformation under PM Modi’s leadership.
He said, “The PM will also interact with the Indian diaspora at the community event and will also visit a labour camp. He will also attend the opening ceremony of the 26th Arabian Gulf Cup as a special guest of His Highness, the Amir of Kuwait. There has been a major transformation in India’s ties with the Gulf region. The honourable PM has given special emphasises to strengthening and deepening the relations with the Gulf countries”.