Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been hospitalised following he was stabbed outside his residence late at night yesterday. The actor has been hospitalised at Lilawati Hospital and a case has been registered by the Mumbai Police.
At around 2:00 am today, Kareena Kapoor’s husband and Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed with a sharp object by an intruder, at his residence. The actor has been taken to Lilawati Hospital in Mumbai and has been hospitalised. According to the media reports, the actor’s health is currently stable and out of danger. He’s in the operation theatre, a team of specialised doctors are doing surgery.
Dr Niraj Uttamani COO of Lilavati Hospital said that Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by an unidentified person at his Bandra home and was brought in at 3:30 am. Uttamani said that Saif has six stabs and two are deep; off this, one is close to spine. He is being operated upon by team of doctors led neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Leena Jain anesthesiologist Dr Nisha Gandhi.
The official statement reads, “There was an attempted burglary at Mr Saif Ali Khan’s residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing a surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It is a police matter We will keep you updated on the situation. ”The intruder has not been caught and details about who he is, are yet to be ascertained but a case has been registered by the Mumbai Police; the matter is being investigated. CCTV footages of the surrounding area are being looked into, to identify the intruder.
In a statement, Mumbai Police has said, “An unknown person entered Actor Saif Ali Khan’s residence and argued with his maid, late last night. When the actor tried to intervene and pacify the man, he attacked Saif Ali Khan and injured him. Police are investigating the matter.”