On Thursday, Saif Ali Khan was attacked at 2 AM when he tried to protect his family from an intruder at their Bandra residence. The intruder stabbed the Bollywood actor six times and fled through a fire escape staircase. After fleeing the crime scene, the attacker was snapped at Bandra railway station. According to the media reports, the Mumbai Police, who were busy tracing the location, have finally nabbed the attacker. Mumbai Police detained the suspect and brought him to Bandra Police Station for questioning.
It has been reported that Mumbai Police have started with interrogation and they are trying to inquire if other people were also involved in this gruesome attack on Saif Ali Khan. After interrogation, police will present the attacker to the court.
The actor was stabbed 6 times out of which 2 were deep cuts. Following the attack, the actor was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai where he underwent surgery. The actor is now out of danger but is reported to still unconscious. Later, Mumbai police released a photo of the intruder, who can be seen walking down the staircase. He was traced to the sixth floor of the building after the incident.