A suspect in Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing case has been nabbed by the police in Madhya Pradesh. He is being brought in for questioning by the Mumbai Police. It is yet to be find out whether the detainee is the man who attacked Saif in his highrise apartment in upscale Bandra early Thursday. The actor was attacked six times with a hexablade and was wounded on January 16. He underwent emergency surgery at the Lilavati Hospital and is presently recovering.
More than 60 hours have passed since the attack on Saif Ali Khan. The Mumbai Police is yet to make an arrest in the case. Several suspects have already been questioned by the Police and released. Two men were detained in Mumbai on Friday, in connection with the case. One of them was a carpenter who worked at the actor’s residence two days before the attack. Cops recorded the statement of Saif’s wife Kareena Kapoor in relation to the case on Saturday.
Based on Jeh’s nanny Eliyama Philip’s statement, police registered a first information report under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita sections 311 (robbery with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt), 331 (4) (house break-in or trespass at night) and other relevant provisions. The intruder, who Philip said was between 35-40 years old, then attacked Khan with a knife. During the commotion, another house help also rushed out to raise an alarm. The intruder then ran away. CCTV footage showed the alleged assailant, wearing a red scarf and carrying a backpack, scurrying down the stairs from the sixth floor of the Satguru Sharan building. At least 20 police teams were formed to untangle the sensational crime targeting the Dil Chahta Hai actor and his family, amongst the most high profile and most photographed in Mumbai.