Mumbai Police is busy probing the case of Saif Ali Khan, who was stabbed on January 16, by an intruder, who is now said to be a Bangladeshi resident. On Friday, the Bandra Magistrate extended the police custody of the accused stating that the court observed that there is substantial progress in the matter and that investigating other consequential aspects is necessary.
The offence is serious and triable by the sessions court. They have extended the custody of the accused till January 29. On the other hand, the accused’s lawyer has claimed that the face of Shehzad doesn’t match the CCTV still. He has backed his claim with a forensic report of face analysis.
Meanwhile, the Pataudi family, led by Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, is in a legal battle over ancestral properties worth a staggering Rs 15,000 crore. These iconic assets, deeply intertwined with the family’s Nawabi legacy, have been classified as ‘enemy property’ under the Enemy Property Act of 1968. This controversial classification stems from the migration of Abida Sultan, the eldest daughter of Nawab Hamidullah Khan of Bhopal, to Pakistan in 1950.
The recent lifting of a 2015 stay by the Madhya Pradesh High Court has brought the Union government closer to seizing control of these properties, sparking renewed debate over the Act’s provisions and implications. The properties in question include several historical landmarks in Bhopal, such as the Flag Staff House, Noor-Us-Sabah Palace, Dar-Us-Salam, Ahmedabad Palace, and the Kohefiza Property.