Park Seo Joon recently shared a heartfelt goodbye with BTS’s V, also known as Kim Taehyung, as V begins his military service. The touching moment was captured in a black-and-white photo featuring the Wooga Squad, a close group of friends in the entertainment industry. The snapshot reflects a genuine and emotional gathering, with Park Seo Joon, Choi Woo Shik, Park Hyung Sik, Peakboy, and V forming a close circle.
In the photo, V stands at the center, smiling warmly, and the monochromatic filter adds a nostalgic feel to the occasion. The Wooga Squad members, including V, showcase a strong bond, each caught in a candid moment expressing affection for the young BTS idol. The image radiates camaraderie, with smiles, touching hands, and expressions conveying pride, warmth, and fondness for their friend entering a new chapter.
Park Seo Joon’s emotional caption, translated as “Take care, youngest one”, encapsulates the deep friendship and support within the Wooga Squad. It goes beyond a simple wish for V’s well-being during his military service, conveying a sense of brotherhood and solidarity that extends beyond the entertainment industry.
As V embarks on his military journey, the Wooga Squad’s farewell post resonates with fans, highlighting the sincerity and authenticity of the shared moment. Beyond being a touching farewell, the post serves as a reminder of the lasting friendships formed in the entertainment industry, emphasizing the humanity and connections that unite these well-known individuals.